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-You may also want to check if you antivirus software is blocking the file for some reasons. Temporarily disable your security software and then try to open the file. Kasperskey and some others will block the template.

Make sure the file is not blocked
-Right click on the file and choose "Properties" and look to the bottom of the "General" tab. Here you should find an "Unblock" button provided to allow normal access to the file.
1500cms.com templates are adjusted for file size but still keep aesthetics in mind. 
Download the demo at 1500cms.com/demo/
(Screenshot of the template in question↓↓↓↓↓↓↓)

 I'm happy to help,

Our Templates are tested and work with Adobe Reader Version XI (11.0.04), (users must have the current version) get the current version at http://get.adobe.com/reader/

If you are not using the latest version you will experience problems. The biggest problem clients face is having out of date software. Adobe updates also include very important security updates. 

Do not open 1500cms.com templates in your web browser or "stock" PDF readers. Use Adobe Reader XI (11.0.04 for best results.

When printing select "Actual Size" (please review image below)

Important: "Choose paper source PDF page size" this option should be checked with some configuration. Please try both "unchecked" and "checked" to determine the best for your settings. 

If your print screen does not look like the one below ↓↓↓ then you do not have the current version of Adobe Reader. You must download free at  http://get.adobe.com/reader/

We also offer a demo version at http://1500cms.com/examples.html for customers to try before purchasing. 

We are here to help troubleshoot, Please let me know if you any further assistance

Please check your spam folder occasionally it is placed there.Please let us know if you are unable to locate attachment.

thank you,

Templates are Emailed minutes after your order is placed. 
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