Windows 8.1 touch Form fill-in

info 10 år siden 0
Form fill-in fails on Windows Touch


Form fill-in fails in Adobe Reader 11.0.6 because the virtual keyboard doesn't appear when a form field is selected. Instead, an error dialog box presents the following text:
C:\ Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft shared\ink\TabTip.exeWindows cannot access the specified device path or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access this form.

This error occurs when all of the following conditions are true:

  • You are using Reader 11.0.06 (the virtual keyboard was not supported with 11.0.05).
  • Protected Mode is enabled.
  • You are using a Windows touch 8.x or later device.


There are several options for fixing this issue:
  • Disable Touch Mode on the device.
  • Install the patch as described below. Adobe plans to include this fix in the next regular release of the product.
  • Disable Protected Mode in Reader (not recommended).
Option 1: Disable Touch ModeChoose Edit > Preferences > General. In the Touch Mode drop down list, select Never.

Option 2: Install the patch

Option 3: Disable Protected Mode

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